Saturday, September 30, 2006


1) [久違了王大閎!]專題演講
時間:10月28日 晚上19:00-21:00

2) 維諾.潘頓台灣首展國際研討會(International Symposium on Verner Panton in Taiwan)
強化TADA Center與德國Vitra Design Museum的結盟關係,發展進一步合作的可能性。
在TADA遇見維諾潘頓」(Verner Panton in TADA)國際論壇
地點:台灣建築?設計與藝術展演中心(TADA CENTER),台中市復興路三段362號
Alex von Vegesack Vitra Design Museum館長;
Mathias Remmele 維諾潘頓展覽策展人;
Marianne Panton 維諾潘頓夫人;
Deyan Sudjic DOMUS前主編,倫敦設計博物館新任館長,2002年威尼斯建築雙年展策展人 (聯絡中)
Alice Rawsthorne NY Times與Herald Tribune專欄記者 (聯絡中)
Christoph Grunenberg 利物浦泰德美術館策展人,擅長策劃跨設計、藝術、建築及其他文化向度之展覽
「維諾潘頓之後的TADA」(TADA after Verner Panton)國內論壇
地點:台灣建築?設計與藝術展演中心(TADA CENTER),台中市復興路三段362號
薛保瑕 (藝術) 國立台灣美術館館長
賴香伶 (藝術) 台北市立當代美術館館長
林 平 (藝術) 東海大學美術系副教授,「林聽森音」策展人
官政能 (設計) 實踐大學產品設計研究所所長
林磐聳 (設計) 國立師範大學美術系系主任
江世楨 (產業) Strauss設計家具公司總經理
詹偉雄 (產業) 《數位時代》總編輯,《美學經濟》作者,學文創志業股份有限公司副董事長
阮慶岳 (建築) 實踐大學建築系副教授,2006年威尼斯建築雙年展台灣館策展人
徐明松 (建築) 銘傳大學建築系講師,「尋找王大閎」策展人
劉舜仁 (建築) 東海大學建築系系主任,「鐵道藝術網絡」規劃者

Verner Panton
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Verner Panton (13 February 1926 - 5 September 1998) is considered to be one of Denmark's most influential 20th-century furniture and interior designers. During his career, he created innovative and futuristic designs in a variety of available materials, especially plastics, and in vibrant colors. His style was very "1960s" but regained popularity at the end of the 20th century; as of 2004, Pantons most well-known furniture models are still in production (at Vitra, among others).
Panton was trained as architectural engineer in Odense; next, he studied at the Royal Danish Academy of Art (Det Kongelige Danske Kunstakademi) in Copenhagen. The first two years of his career - 1950-1952 - he worked at the architectural practice of Arne Jacobsen, another famous Danish architect and furniture designer, but Panton turned out to be an "enfant terrible" and he started his own design office in 1955. Near the end of the 1950s, his chair designs became more and more unconventional, with no legs or discernible back. In 1960, Panton was the designer of the very first single-form injection-moulded plastic chair - the Stacking chair or S chair, which would become his most famous and mass-produced design.
In the late 1960s and early 1970s, Verner Panton experimented with designing entire environments: radical and psychedelic interiors that were an ensemble of his curved furniture, wall upholstering, textiles and lighting. He is best known for the design of a German boats interior, now a famous museum. He is also known for a hotel in Europe that utilized circular patterns and cylindrical furniture.


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